Just the facts ma'am
So many things get added into what we as Christians. Lets just look at a few facts.
Hope you enjoy this message that was preached by Pastor Chris Mathews
Read MoreFirst things First
First things first
Matt chapter 6
This sermon was preached at The Lighthouse at Nolin Lake by pastor Chris Mathews
Read MoreWho's for dinner?
This sermon was preached by Pastor Chris Mathews.
Who's for dinner? Doesn't that really determine the place setting of the table, the attire, the preparation. Well whos coming really does determine...
Read MoreThe gift of Light
Before getting caught up in the crazy holiday season. Stop and remember th reason for the season and what Christmas is about. The gift of Light given to the world , Jesus the Christ.
Read MoreI can't believe I eat the whole thing!
What is Gluttony?
Why is Gluttony bad?
Scriptural references Matt 11:19
Mark 7:21-23, Psalms 147:3,2 Cor 1:3God Wants to comfort us, He doesnt want to share us. Not with food, alchol or any idol.
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